Community partners recently gathered for the release of the Nashville Community Health + Well-being Survey, the first countywide health assessment in nearly 20 years.
Survey findings offer a deep dive on numerous key metrics that inform important health and well-being activities across the city, including how Nashvillians access health care, barriers to care, chronic health conditions, health behaviors and more. This first-of-its-kind large-scale assessment was mailed to more than 12,000 Davidson County households.
Whether you are an educator, researcher or business leader, the complete survey findings are available right now to help inform and guide your work. Responses are presented by gender, age, ethnicity, education, employment status, annual household income, health insurance coverage and sexual orientation. We invite you to further analyze the findings to derive new insights and harness the power of the data to build a healthier Nashville. Access the data use agreement here.
Nashville Target:BP clinical partners recently reviewed their aggregate hypertension control rate, and discussed goals for improving the rate and growing clinic participation moving forward. Timely heart health data from the Nashville Community Health + Well-being Survey was also shared as clinicians weighed program priorities for the coming year.
Nashville is the only community in the nation taking a county-wide approach to improving its control rate. Currently, 17 clinics and hospitals representing nearly 700,000 patients are participating in the program presented by the American Heart Association (AHA), American Medical Association (AMA) and NashvilleHealth. To learn more about Target:BP, email here.
Over the past three years, NashvilleHealth has worked to make Nashville one of the healthiest places to live in the state and nation. Click here to learn more about our collaborative efforts.
Mirroring national trends, the Nashville Community Health + Well-being survey found that vaping outpaces tobacco use among young adults. To prevent the next generation of tobacco and vape users, NashvilleHealth is partnering with business and health advocacy organizations across the state to support legislation to raise the purchase age for tobacco and vape products to 21.
A recent Tennessee tobacco opinion poll showed nearly two-thirds of Tennessee voters support increasing the tobacco sale age to 21, and an overwhelming majority (86 percent) say e-cigarettes should be included. To learn more or get involved, email here.
October officially marks the beginning of planting season in Tennessee. Help us support the Root Nashville initiative and grow Nashville’s tree canopy by taking the “Pledge to Plant” this season. Pledge participants will receive information on where to get trees, and important tips for planting and care. Root Nashville is a public private campaign to plant 500,000 trees across Davidson County by 2050.
Nashville Health + Well-being Survey can inform path to healthier future
The most detailed data on Nashville health in two decades now public
Nashville health survey: A third of Latinos are uninsured, most don’t have a doctor
Nashville Health Survey Suggests A Nicotine Habit May Start With The Casual Vape
NashvilleHealth creates a culture of health and wellbeing by serving as a convener to open dialogue, align resources and build smart strategic partnerships to create a bold plan for health and wellbeing in Nashville.
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