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December 20, 2022 2022 Year in Review + Looking Ahead to 2023

2022 in Review  Winter Covid Response Review NashvilleHealth released a first-of-its-kind comprehensive review of lessons learned from Nashville’s city-wide response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Spring White House COVID-19 Summit NashvilleHealth attended a summit in Washington, D.C. to review the nation’s response to the COVID-19…

August 8, 2017 August 2017

DR. JILL BIDEN, RWJF CEO RICHARD BESSER TO HEADLINE NASHVILLE SUMMIT What is the connection between health and learning? Join us to find out. Register. For so many documented reasons, a student’s physical, emotional and mental health is critical to academic success…

March 19, 2017 March 2017

Women’s Heart Alliance Names Nashville a “City with Heart” We are excited to launch a partnership with the Women’s Heart Alliance. Nashville is the organization’s pilot location for their “Cities and Communities with Heart” Initiative, which aims to reduce heart…

January 30, 2017 January 2017

NashvilleHealth Welcomes Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to Nashville Among all of the organizations tracking and taking action to improve our national health, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is tops on the list. At NashvilleHealth’s Steering Committee meeting in December, we…

November 29, 2016 October 2016

Tobacco Cessation Campaign Aims to Reduce Preventable Deaths November is Tobacco Awareness Month and NashvilleHealth continues to work with partners on efforts to reduce the number of Nashvillians who smoke and by doing so drastically reduce preventable illness and death…