Chronic Conditions

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The challenge we face

Chronic diseases are among the most prevalent and costly health conditions. They are also often the most preventable. According to the Nashville Community Health + Well-being Survey, two-thirds of Nashvillians are overweight or obese, nearly one-third are diagnosed hypertensive and residents experience 5.3 poor mental health days per month – a full day more than peer cities.


NashvilleHealth will collaborate to implement evidence-based strategies to address Nashville’s high rates of hypertension, obesity and poor mental health, and the social determinants that affect these conditions.

31% of Nashvillians have been diagnosed hypertensive

31% of Nashvillians have been diagnosed hypertensive

Nashville Community Health + Well-being Survey, 2019

Tennessee's annual health care costs directly caused by smoking are $2.6 billion

Tennessee's annual health care costs directly caused by smoking are $2.6 billion

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, 2019

63% or Nashvillians are overweight or obese

63% or Nashvillians are overweight or obese

Nashville Community Health + Well-being Survey


Target BP: In partnership with American Heart Association and American Medical Association, NashvilleHealth is supporting Target BP, a learning collaborative among providers for shared protocols and interventions around hypertension.  NashvilleHealth is engaging clinical providers in discussions about Target BP processes and goal-setting for Nashville, and convening diverse community and public health leaders to engage in Target BP. In its first two years, the program has engaged 16 clinics and reached more than 680,000 patients.

The Barbershop Project: NashvilleHealth, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, and the Tennessee Pharmacists Association collaborated to bring the NIH-funded Barbershop Project to Nashville. The unique project focuses on hypertension management among black men, employing a collaboration among barbers,
pharmacists, physicians, and academic research partners.

Heart Health Convenings: NashvilleHealth is serving as a convening organization for ongoing meetings of key heart health organizations in the community, including the American Heart Association, the YMCA, the Mayor’s Office and the TN Chapter of the American College of Cardiology. These ongoing meetings serve to foster dialogue and connectivity of our efforts.

Tobacco-Free Tennessee Coalition: NashvilleHealth serves as the administrator and convener for this statewide group of over 20 member organizations.  This includes coordinating strategic planning sessions, guiding agenda setting, bringing in national and local speakers, managing sub-committees and promoting awareness.

Statewide Tobacco and E-Cigarette Policy Opinion Poll: NashvilleHealth partnered with the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and CityHealth, an initiative of the de Beaumont Foundation and Kaiser Permanente, to commission a statewide tobacco and e-cigarette policy opinion poll. Garnering national attention, findings showed Tennesseans strongly support tougher tobacco and e-cigarette legislation.